My assessment and treatment will depend upon your presenting condition. I will start with taking a confidential and detailed history. Whilst these sensitive issues are often difficult to discuss, understanding the onset of your symptoms and how your daily life is affected is vital in directing your treatment.
Your physical assessment will most likely begin with examination of your abdominal muscles, pelvis and lumbar spine. Following this assessment you may be offered an internal examination. This is an important part of your examination and necessary in identifying the tone, strength and control of your pelvic floor muscles. Using finger palpation the pelvic floor muscles and connective tissue will be assessed for injury or scarring, signs of pelvic organ prolapse, muscle tone, tenderness, sensation and neural sensitivity. Following this the pelvic floor muscle will be tested for strength and endurance. It is important to determine if the left and right, superficial and deep pelvic floor muscles are working together, and if not why not. Once we establish your baseline of pelvic floor muscle control we can then develop a specific and individualised exercise programme. The assessment findings will be discussed with you and treatment will depend upon findings and your symptoms.
1-2-1 consultation lasting up to 60 minutes in duration
History gathering of your symptom (s) – Including previous treatments
Physical examination of your abdominal, pelvis and lumbar spine
Vaginal examination (if appropriate)
Discussion / Summary of findings and diagnosis
Appropriate treatments (manual therapy, massage, acupuncture, pelvic floor neuromuscular stimulation, pilates and self care )
Agreeing a treatment plan, including covering all relevant information and advice
Issuing of exercise plan
Answering any questions or concerns you may be having
Any follow up appointments which are needed will be up to 45-60 minutes in duration.
I look forward to welcoming you in clinic
Emma x